Sunday, June 20, 2010

What to do when your teenage nephew is being mentlally and physically abused by his dad that he live

My nephew is being mentally and phically abused by his dad. The 17 year old lives with his dad and step monster.( not an exageration) He is in a band and has long hair. A very good kid, but his dad has it in for him and has threatened to cut off his hair. The other day he grabbed him and tried to put him in a chair, then it escalated into the dad grabbing my nephew by the hair, ripping his shirt, throwing him across a chair then onto the floor and sitting on him screaming fu**er the whole time. The good Christian that he is. The boy was too strong and got away, but he called 911 from a cell phone that his mother had gotten him in case something like this happened. The police came and did NOTHING about it, but tried to talk my nephew into going ahead and getting his hair cut. I don't get it. I thought the polce were out there to protect our kids. This man has a record form beating his wife- my sister- and has already been turned into c.p.s. for taking a belt to this child. I am so mad

What to do when your teenage nephew is being mentlally and physically abused by his dad that he lives with?

At his age he should be able to live where he wants.

He could turn in his dad to child protective services, you could too.

Maybe he could go klive with his mom or you,

he should legally be able to live with who he wants, I don't know about other states, but the ones I know are this way.

What to do when your teenage nephew is being mentlally and physically abused by his dad that he lives with?

call authorities, NOW

What to do when your teenage nephew is being mentlally and physically abused by his dad that he lives with?

If it is just a "hair" issue, he could always get a wig for when he is out of the house, or playing a 'gig' . When he is 18, he can legally move out. Good luck.

What to do when your teenage nephew is being mentlally and physically abused by his dad that he lives with?

Write down all the details that you know about what has been going on. Send copies by certified letter to the media, CPS, and the local police. I would go in person and complain about the police.

What to do when your teenage nephew is being mentlally and physically abused by his dad that he lives with?

Call the department of social services and give an anonymous report of abuse. Tell them you need to report possible abuse of a mentally disabled child.

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