Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

i finally slapped the kid today.

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

there is a pecking order in life-the time to respond is immediatly the first time-when you let one do it -they think its ok even if you seem to say no-learn to grimice at a person -and then speak up or get up and go near the front of the bus and say -the guys name and dont ever touch my hair again- in lifes wilderness-david in Jesus amazing grace

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?


Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

Is your name Medusa?

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

Sounds creepy...

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

after you slapped him see if he will do it again! if so slap him again.

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

Try telling them to slapping them you are lowering yourself to their level because you arent any better by doing that...even though its probaly much deserved

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

wow, this is a "real" problem for you? you obv can't stop it before it happens sometimes, but I guess u just have to be firm with people about it.

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

Good for you Honey! Maybe he'll get the message. You must have really pretty hair!

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

Cause you probaly have nice hair to them

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

It's because they are hungry and they are picking the dandruff out to eat.

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

LOL...thats must have lovely

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

didn't you post this like a few weeks ago...

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

Some people like to feel curly hair. Others like to touch soft smooth stait hair. I have that problem too. Just yell at the kids and say you will eat them if they don't stop (LOL).

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

cAn i touch your hair to

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

stop flattering yourself !! wear a u should !!!!

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

maybe you have kind hair...??????????????????????

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

Every case is special, but did you tell them to stop?

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

well you proabally should have done that the first time they touched ur hair cause now they fell like they can do it whenever they want. but i think taking action aginst them is good. hopefully it will stop them.

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

Good for you. That's what you always should do. However, try telling them loudly to knock it off and they don't then let em have it. They are invading your personal space and you shouldn't put up with it.

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

when my hair was almost down to my knees people kept pulling it to "see if it was real" night I was at a bar, and someone tied it to a bar stool...I cut it off to 1 inch, yep, I gave myself almost a military cut...guess what no one has touched it since!

(except my husbands!)

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

you obviously must have very nice or intriguing hair. if you did NOT, they wouldnt touch it.

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

Yeah, but, he probably liked being slapped.

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

You're just sexy---DEAL WITH IT

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

who knows some kids are stupid, if it was a girl, she might be flirting with you, if it's a guy, he's an idiot.

Why wont people stop touching my hair on the bus?

I checked yr.profile also.. yu're pretty kinky %26amp; radical in your thoughts %26amp; approach in life..

1 thing is that yr. hair might be nice or unusual.. leading people to want to touch it.. (I l-o-v-e nice hair %26amp; find it very sensuous)

The other thing is .. going by how yu describe your profile.. u're very touchy about yr. self-styled independence %26amp; and yu have this feeling that people encroach upon yu.

So the feeling that people touching your hair, for a reason.. is pure paranoia.. what d'you think?

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