Thursday, November 26, 2009

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

No kidding... I know people who voted for Kerry because his middle name "sounded rich"...

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

because this is one trial lawyer that actually cares about us average Americans. When he looks out over his 13 foot security fence, from his 26,000 sq. foot house, to that trailer park across the street, he Say's to himself, those are my people, I can relate to them.

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

I think most liberals will either support clinton or obama, personally, id go with clinton.

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

With $400 a pop it better get him elected. People vote for who they connect with so I guess he will get all the haridressers votes.

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

i'll vote for hillary because she's best for America

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

you raise a great point. similarly it would be hard to argue that dubya did not receive votes based on his last name

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

The liberals are so hypocritical. They tell us to share our wealth with the poor and disenfranchised and about American's wasteful spending, yet they recieve haircuts that cost thousands of dollars. That last haircut that Edwards had, cost more money than many people in the Third World would make in an entire year!

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

Millions of shallow thinking Democrats will think hair is important. Just watch some of the liberal "news" programs that talk about his hair. This only shows why Democrats are unfit to lead our country.

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

you gotta cut it out. i'm a republican and even i think that cutesy little thing your doing, changing liberal to LIEberal is neither funny nor witty. Its really just annoying, And if your going to ask a question about politics at least ask a real one. you sound like an idiot.

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

Wow! What a deep question. It must have taken you hours to come up with this. Cons., some of the lame ones, seem to be obcessed with things like Edwards' hair instead of discussing REAL issues like health care reform, how to pay for Bush's war without raising taxes, what to do about energy and our dependance on foreign oil. If they don't debate these issues and choose, instead, to debate people I see a landslide for the Democrats next year like the 1964 defeat of Lyndon Johnson over Barry Goldwater.

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

kerry said "we have better hair" And the Dems saidYES YES

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

Maybe as many as GOP who voted for Bush b/c "I could really have a drink with that guy!"

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

Well if you consider the fiasco of the current Republican president I'd say nice hair is all that is needed to get any Democrat elected.

How many LIEberals will vote for Edwards 'cause he has great hair?

Edwards will win all of the grade-school mock elections, but will not win enough support from adults.

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