Thursday, November 26, 2009

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

no kidding.

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

Just leave it alone, eventually it will die of loneliness. Or maybe, if your lucky, a couple of his friends might show up.

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?


Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

Pluck it

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?


Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

no pluck LMFAO

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

No, get a tweezers and pluck it out. If you shave it the hair will grow back much faster, if you 'tweeze it' it will take longer to grow back.

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

pull it

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

Be a man. Pluck it.

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

eew yes!

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair? a man and pull it out...

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

Just one dude yank it it will stay away longer


Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?


Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

Just pluck it

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?


Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?


Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

get it waxed off shaved grow by quicker be a men or wat ever you are

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?


Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

Be a man and just leave it

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

Don't shave it, it will just grow right back, you have to pluk it out.

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

no leave them I have them to a lot of females love them specially at night lol

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

No, just take a pair of tweezers and pluck it out gently.

But think about it before you do it. You worked hard growing that poor little hair. It's part of your genetic make up and may deserve a chance to just exist there.

But if you don't want it, just pluck it out.

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?


Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

I'm guessing you have more than one little chest hair if you avatar is anything to go by

wax :P

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

If you shave it it will just grow back, so of it's that annoying tweeze it- it will stay away longer.

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

No, yank it out. If you shave it, it'll just grow back.

Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?


Should I shave this one little annoying chest hair?

Same situation here man..

I pluck it after I shower and I apply a little aftershave. I also exfoliate that area when possible to avoid in-grown hair.

It takes longer to grow back.. maybe 3 weeks to a month..

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