Thursday, November 26, 2009

I find out about half white half black people?

when father is white mother is black

the kids look more white than black

when mother is white father is black

the kids look more black than white

the have seen two guys with black mother

white father , both of them have blue eyes and blonde

curly hair.

and see this family ,their kids look white over than black

so is it true?

I find out about half white half black people?

im biracial white mother black father %26amp; i have 3 sisters. 2 of us are light skinned %26amp; 2 are darker, tanned skinned. 2 of us have straight hair almost like the texture of white people's hair %26amp; 2 of us have thicker hair %26amp; they have to get perms to make it straight. i guess it just depends on who's genes are stronger at the time the child was conceived

I find out about half white half black people?

It really depends on who work the hardest.

I find out about half white half black people?

that is strange maybe that is not their mom though. they look mixed with some type of latin descent

I find out about half white half black people?


I find out about half white half black people?

no thats not really true....... just look at rapper Paul walls baby that he just had, now paul wall is white, mother is black, but the baby still have strong black genes in him, so i think its kinda based around whose genes are stronger.

I find out about half white half black people?

That really isn't how genetics and inheritance works. Your appearance and inheritance are determined by the dominant and recessive genes on the DNA from your father's sperm and your mother's ovum.

Genetic dominance is not based on parental sex. For instance, if your father is white with red hair and your mother is black, there is no way you can have red hair - it requires a red hair gene from both sides.

I find out about half white half black people?

I have noticed that too.

I find out about half white half black people?

My children are biracial. I'm white and their father is black. My daughter (4y) is a little darker skinned than my son, but she also spent a lot of the summer outside @ the water park. She has curly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. My son (7m) is a little lighter skinned, mind you he was just born in Sept last year so he hasn't been out in the sun. He has curly dark brown hair too, but his eyes are blue on outer ring and greenish brown in the middle like mine. So I think it depends on the people not what race they are. My daugher got dark when she was out in the sun this summer, and I'm sure my son would be darker if he got a little more sun too.

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