My name is Gabriel. My best friends is all I have, I don't have regular friends, those who I talk to in school aren't friends.
My BESTest friends call me Gaby because I know them for pretty long, and I don't really mind.
But a kid in my class called me always "GAY" because my name is Gabriel, Pronounces like Gay.
I dont dress gay, or am not gay, when im with my friends in a group he walks through and calls me "Yo Gay"
When im alone he wants to shake my hand ..
I been thinking of beating him up and teaching him a Lesson.
Saying words back wouldn't help. But he touches lots of boys on their Chinn and laughs, or touches their hair.
Another kid in my Soccer practice calls me GAYYYYbriel .. And my friends told him that im not gay, they even got annoyed, but he didn't stop [I Think] I cant fight him his too big.
Please what can I do back!?
And I do care that they call me that, cause they do it near my girlfriend, and my friends.
I can't ignore it anymore.
People call me gay because of my name why?
You can do one of three things:
1. Research your school's harassment rules and talk with a guidance counselor about how your fellow students are treating you.
2. Ignore it.
3. If you're comfortable with yourself, laugh it off and poke fun at yourself with them. One response could be "it got your attention." They probably wouldn't know what to think.
What this does is takes the fun away from them. People usually back off and it isn't as fun to them after a while. The reason they do that to you is to get a rise out of you or embarass you because they know they can push your buttons. When you show them they can't do that anymore, it is no longer fun to them.
People call me gay because of my name why?
Ok, don't beat anyone up; all you will get is ISS and swollen knuckles. If the harassing doesn't stop, fire something back at them. Sorry about your case. Tell them that you didn't name yourself and to backoff.
People call me gay because of my name why?
tell the teacher or principle
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